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The fun way to get fitter from just 15 minutes per day!
We all know how important it is to lead a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle.but did you know that only 20 per cent of the population manage to exerciseregularly?
PC Fitness builds a weekly exercise schedule and takes you through itstep-by-step ??? so even if you?re a complete beginner, you can now get fitterin your own home!
Learn how to perform over 500 interactive exercises covering:
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Cardio
- Strength Training
- Flexibility Training
- Weight Loss Routines
- And much more!
PC Fitness brings the expertise of a personal trainer into your home with thefirst health and fitness game for PCs and laptops. Maya, your own virtualpersonal fitness trainer, will build a fully interactive, personalised fitnessprogramme for you, keep you motivated and deliver the results you?ve alwayswanted.
PC Fitness is the next step in home fitness programmes. Instead of workingyour way through multiple DVDs with static content, you work with Maya, yourvirtual personal trainer, in an interactive, unique and customised fitnessprogramme to meet your needs. No workout will ever be the same (unless you wantit to be!) and your personal programme can be modified at any time ??? even onthe fly during a workout.
Maya tests your fitness level, helps you establish goals, sets up acommitment calendar toward achieving those goals; and then coaches, encourages,and charts your progress through a personalised series of workouts. she alsoprovides fitness advice and motivational pep talks during workouts that helpkeep you moving and on the way to achieving your fitness goals.
As you successfully work through your Workout Calendar, Maya offersunlockable incentives such as new environments and new music. best of all, thesoftware is completely unique for each user, and it can be modified at any time.you are never forced to follow a one-size-fits-all workout. you can skip a testor wait through anything that feels uncomfortable, or simply go back to yourProfile and Commitment Options to enable Maya to redesign your programme foryour special preferences.
Manage your dietA well-balanced diet is essential for looking and feeling your best. Based onyour Personal Profile, Maya will recommend a weekly meal plan complete withrecipes, preparation instructions, shopping lists and over 4500 recipes.
So why aren?t we exercising enough?The most common reasons include:
- Not enough time to fit in with today?s busy lifestyles
- Gym memberships are too expensive
- Many find gyms too intimidating
- Loss of motivation ??? it?s difficult to stay focused. Unless, that is, you have your own personal trainer???
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